.NET Command-Line Interface (Cross-Platform Projects)

The .NET command-line interface (CLI) is a cross-platform tool for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.

Create a Solution (Optional)
Create .NET Projects
📂Project directory/ 👈
|-- Solution file
Solution Management
📂Project directory/ 👈
|-- Solution file
|-- 📂.NET project
    |-- [name].csproj file
Project-to-Project References
📂Project directory/ 👈
|-- Solution file
|-- 📂.NET project (Source)
    |-- [name].csproj file
|-- 📂.NET project (Target)
    |-- [name].csproj file
Mangage NuGet Packages
📂Project directory/
|-- Solution file
|-- 📂.NET project 👈
    |-- [name].csproj file
Add Extra Items
📂Project directory/
|-- Solution file
|-- 📂.NET project
    |-- [name].csproj file

Build & Run Commands
📂Project directory/ 👈
|-- Solution file
|-- 📂.NET project
    |-- [name].csproj file
Test Commands & Tools
📂Project directory/ 👈
|-- Solution file
|-- 📂.NET project
    |-- [name].csproj file
|-- 📂.Test project
    |-- [name].csproj file
Publisher for the .NET Platform
📂Project directory/ 👈
|-- Solution file
|-- 📂.NET project
    |-- [name].csproj file