app.R Changelog

Changelog for the app.R RefCard.

Jan 01, 2022
  • Supports for:
  • Coercing the variable to be of numeric type, integer type, factor type, character type, logical type, and date/datetime type
  • Using conversion specification to convert from character representations to objects of class Date
  • Using Lubridate package to parse and manipulate dates
  • Using as.POSIXct() to convert from numeric representations to objects of class Date
  • Fixed:
  • Clears output code after loading new dataset
Dec 25, 2021
  • Supports for:
  • Finding levels attribute of a factor variable
  • Defining labels for the levels of a factor variable
  • Setting reference level for a factor variable
  • Reordering levels of a factor based on a numeric variable
Nov 15, 2021
  • Features added include:
  • Creating new columns using transform() function in the base R and mutate() function in the dplyr
  • Adding columns to a specific position using add_column() function in the tibble
  • Using the numeric operators & functions in R
Nov 4, 2021
  • Runs on R version 4.1 or newer and RStudio version 1.4 or newer
  • Uses native pipe operator
  • Supports for sorting rows based on one/two variables
  • Filtering consecutive observations is modified
Sep 17, 2021
  • Supports for:
  • Importing data from .dta (Stata) files
  • Selecting consecutive variables
Mar 20, 2021
  • Supports for:
  • Selecting variables (columns) by index
  • Selecting variables using dplyr selection helpers
  • Filtering observations (rows) by position
  • Subsetting observations by index or range of indices
  • Filtering observations based on logical condition
  • Selecting a range of observations
  • Finding complete cases, i.e., cases have no missing values
Mar 05, 2021
  • Fixed mapping of input parameter labels to actual arguments
Mar 04, 2021
  • Supports for:
  • Connecting to a local or remote Microsoft SQL Server
  • Management of the SQL Server Express LocalDB
  • Reading data stored in a table of the database
  • Querying the Microsoft SQL Server
Feb 20, 2021
  • Supports for exporting data to a formatted text file using write.table
Feb 17, 2021
  • Supports for:
  • Loading default dataset
  • Management of libraries
  • Customizing theme using Shiny Themes
Feb 10, 2021
  • Features include:
  • Importing formatted text files using read.table
  • Reading big data files efficiently using data.table
  • Working with excel files
  • Importing data from .sav (SPSS) files
  • Getting data from .sas7bdat (SAS) files